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Check In
Main Info
Check Out
Public transport
Frequently Asked Questions
An easy way to check-in .. Just follow the steps
No data on site? Don't forget to download the check-in instruction PDF
Main Information
Adress: 9 rue d'Alspach, 68000 Colmar
Parking: Free or toll, not private
Wi-Fi: Cigogne / travelhomes Occupancy max: 2 people Code: Delivered 18h before check-in time if registration was done |
Check-in time: From 3PM
Check-out time: Up to 11AM Check-in process: Via Lockbox Emergency number: +33 3 68 38 20 80 |
Please follow these instructions before to check-out
In general, try to leave the place as you find it:
- Please, do your dishes
- Please, turn off the lights
- Please, empty the fridge
- Please, respect check-out time
- Put the keys back in the lockbox
Parking payant
If you come by car and need a parking. Please check the interactive map here: Interactive Map
If you don't like this first map, you can use the following one. Please note that this one may be outdated.
Note: We advise you to use EasyPark App. Very easy and practical when parking in town.
If you don't like this first map, you can use the following one. Please note that this one may be outdated.
Note: We advise you to use EasyPark App. Very easy and practical when parking in town.
Public transport, from the train station to the apartment
About 1,5km from the train station, it will take you 18 minutes to get to the apartment if you choose to walk.
If you want to take the bus during your stay, you will find the full map of Colmar right here
If you want to take the bus during your stay, you will find the full map of Colmar right here
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I check-out later or check-in earlier ?
As mentionned in the announce, we can not accept early check-in /luggage drop off or late check-out/luggage storage due to the shift of the cleaning staff and due to our tight cleaning window.
Do you provide a breakfast ?
No. However, you'll find coffee and tea in the kitchen.
What is included in the cleaning fee ?
The standard final cleaning includes changing of bed linen, a general cleaning of the apartment and the bathroom. It is your responsibility to empty the fridges, wash the dishes, oven and microwave. If you do not want to do that or if you choose not to do it, we will automatically take 30€ from the deposit.
As mentionned in the announce, we can not accept early check-in /luggage drop off or late check-out/luggage storage due to the shift of the cleaning staff and due to our tight cleaning window.
Do you provide a breakfast ?
No. However, you'll find coffee and tea in the kitchen.
What is included in the cleaning fee ?
The standard final cleaning includes changing of bed linen, a general cleaning of the apartment and the bathroom. It is your responsibility to empty the fridges, wash the dishes, oven and microwave. If you do not want to do that or if you choose not to do it, we will automatically take 30€ from the deposit.